Monday, 7 December 2015


“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third invisible mind intangible force which may be likened to a third mind”

Napoleon Hill

It is amazing how humans are designed to reproduce, and at a very rapid speed. The human race is over 7 Billion and there is sign  that it will ever stop increasing. The propagation of the human race is the classic example of team work. It takes a man and a woman to give birth to a baby. It is not possible to give birth to a baby with only a man or just a woman.. humans are designed to function as teams. It is a basic law of nature. Even the human body has different parts that work together as a formidable team to keep it alive.

In the accumulation of wealth you have to tap into this basic law of nature team work.

Sometime ago I did an experiment, I was trying to light a bulb in a dark room, when I lite it the room brighten. So I thought to myself what will happen if I added more bulbs. So I added some more bulbs, the room became so bright that it would be difficult to stay inside the room without some dark eye glasses.
This is what happens when one works with a team of people, more is accomplished in a more creative way.
If you study the life of every successful person you will find that they succeed not by their own effort but by the effort of a team of like minded people who share the same dreams, ambitions and who work in state of harmony.

Long before Archimedes  man has used one form of leverage of the other. During the stone age man used fire. Fire was a very powerful leverage that could be used for many things, like cooking, to keep warm during winter and for war. Than came the Agrarian age, then man discovered animal power. Horses were used for long distance travel and for war. Bulls were used for farming. Then came the Medieval Age, gun powered and big boats became the new leverage. Then came the industrial age inventions like the airplane and car became very powerful leverages. In the technological age inventions like the television, radio trains and the telephone became leverages. Now in the information age the most powerful leverage is the internet.
But the most powerful leverage is the human mind, for it is by the use of the mind that all other discovery and inventions have been made. Everything around us testify to the power of the mind, from the cloths we wear, the computers we use, the houses we live in. In short everything made by man is a product of the mind.
“Brainpower is the ultimate leverage”
Donald Trump

Successful people have always harnessed the power of the mind of not only themselves but of other people. They do this by reading the books of other successful people and they also work with other successful people to create their own wealth.
The business world is a very competitive environment, but when you have a strong team working with you success comes faster and easier.
The car inventor Henry Ford was known to have a team of over 50 Engineers working with him. This was one of the main reasons why he was so successful.
I have never seen a strong business that is made up one individual.

“Business is a team sport”

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Working with a team of like minded individuals in a state of harmony, activates the ultimate law of success which is called the “Master Mind” Read  Chapter 10 of think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill for more information on this. Working with a master mind group is so powerful that the only person who can stop the ultimate law is God. Let me remind you of what happened in the bible (sorry I want go a little religions on you) if you have a bible please open it to Genesis 11: 1 to 6, if you notice what God said in verse 6 about the builders of the tower of babel, he said “there would be nothing they can’t achieve.
The human mind is the most powerful thing on this planet. The rich and wealthy know this that is why they work hard and work smart with other successful people and they create amazing need satisfying products and services.
There is a word of caution here; if you wish to succeed you must choose your team carefully, because a wrong choice of team members could be detrimental to your success.
When people go through school from primary, secondary and university. Teachers don’t encourage group effort, if a group of student’s team up to write an exam it’s called cheating and severe punishment is given to the students. This causes a subconscious problem that stop individuals from forming a successful alliance to achieve a definite purpose.
To be rich and successful one must work with a team of like minded individuals.

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