“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand the suns rays does not burn until brought to a focus”
Alexander Graham Bell
What is the result if a person tries to catch two rabbits? The result
will be losing both rabbits. It would be better if the person concentrates on
one rabbit and does everything to catch it.
This is another principle of riches and wealth. This principle says that
concentrating on one task until its complete is a sure way to success.
Successful people have always known that if one wishes to accomplish
anything one must concentrate.
There are two very wild animals in the mind that make many people to struggle financial through life.
The first of this wild animals of the mind is lack of clarity. Many people can’t seem to focus on a goal, because they lack clarity on what they want to do or where they want to go. Lack of clarity is like a wild animal in the mind of such people. This people seem to move in different directions throughout their lives.
One unique characteristics of top performances is that they have clarity of what they want to do and where they want go in life. They have planned their lives, for the next 5, 10, 20 or 100 years.
To succeed one must be absolutely clear about what he or she wants to do and where he or she wants to go in life. Many people do make plans for their life but don’t bring their plans to life, because they are dragged in different directions by get rich quick scheme’s, get rich hot tips, that has lead to do undoing many people. Anyone trying use a get rich quick scheme is a person without clarity.
I knew a man once, he was very talented. He was an artist, a writer, a herbal practitioner, a political analyst and many other things he decided to dabble into. But with all this talents and gifts he kept on struggling financially. While his other less intelligent friends who were only focused on one thing where succeeding and progressing far better than him. I advised him to pick his most dominant talent and develop it to world class standard. But he refused. He preferred to do, so many things at the same time. This made him to keep on running around like a mad man in the forest trying to catch every rabbit at the same time.
The truth is that the human mind hates to concentrate on one thing for a long time. When the mind is focused on one thing for a long time it gets bored and looks for something more interesting to do.
I will say it again the confusion in a persons mind is seen in the persons outward environment. Take time to visit two environments in your city. A rich high-class area and a poor low class area. The rich high-class are will always be orderly. The houses will most times be neat and clean, the streets will be decorated with beautiful trees and plants, the roads will be smooth, the air will be fresh,a place that makes you feel good, in short the area will be well organized.
The poor neighborhood will be disorganized, the streets will be littered with waste, the houses will be dilapidated, the cars will be dirty, you may even get robbed by criminals, the environment will be so appalling that you may want to vomit, the residents will be negative and cynical.
This are two groups of people living in two different neighborhoods, but they are still humans but as I said in the introduction of this book the rich and the poor have the same physical features. Same hands, legs, brain, and the same red blood moving through their body. Whats the difference between them? The answer is the “MIND”. the mind of the rich people are more focused, organized and orderly. While the mind of poor people are unfocused, disorganizes and disorderly.
Some people will say that many successful people have many businesses and they operate them all at the same time, like Billionaire Sir Richard Branson who has over 300 separate companies under the virgin aegis. Well it may be true that successful people have many businesses, but if you really find out, you will see that, this people started with only one business at a time. When it was successful they started another one and so on.
Trying to juggle some many things at once in the mind is the quality of failure.
There are few rich people and many poor people not because the rich have
four heads, ten hands or gold in their blood stream but, it’s because the rich
are able to concentrate and finish any objective, any task or project they
start. While others are busy running around in a confused way not been able to
Another name for the principle of concentration is FOCUS. The human brain
is a beast that lacks focus, that refuses to concentrates on one task and
finish it. When it starts one task it is pulled in different directions.
As I said in chapter one, self-discipline must be mixed with
concentration to stop the mind from been constantly distracted. This constant
mind distraction is seen when people listen in an audience to a speech. This
people have short attention span, soon their mind starts thinking about
irrelevant things and not the important or boring speech going on. With short
attention span comes, short concentration on anything they do. Self-discipline
is required to concentrate for such people if they wish to succeed.
The table I am writing on has only one purpose- for me to put things on
it, for me to write on it, to put my computer on it or some other item. It is
concentrated on that one form and it is a remarkable success. Even if you take
it to the moon it will be a successful table, that’s its purpose.
When one concentrates exclusively on a task the person has a purpose. So
many wonderful things happen when a person has a purpose. Every successful
person has always had a purpose in life. Just observe the richest people on
this earth: Bill Gates -the processing system my computer is using is evidence
of his purpose, the musicians- the music you listen to show their purpose,
actors- the movies show their purpose. This is why they are so rich.
The rays of the sun seems adequate to give light in the day, to help plants produce fruits and sustain life. But the sun rays can burn, if it is focused through a magnifying glass or microscope. Just like the sun rays that can only burn when it is passed through a magnifying glass or microscope your actions can only make a significant difference when it is focus on ONE thing. To succeed in life one has to focus his or her effort on a single talent,gift, goal, project or task until it is complete.
To become rich and wealthy one must apply the principle of concentration.
To become rich and wealthy one must focus.
To become rich and wealthy one must have a purpose in life.
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