Monday, 7 December 2015






This secrets or principles of becoming rich and wealthy will help anyone to live a financially successful life only if one applies the principles. But if one is serious about accumulating wealth applying these principles is a must.
Principles of Self-discipline, Concentration, Overcoming Fear and Doubt, Hard Work, Persistence, Team Work, Been Thankful, Visualization, Setting Goals, Education, Positive Affirmation and Saving and Investing is fundamental to succeeding and becoming rich and wealthy.
As you move on your journey to creating your own wealth, I encourage you to be the best you can be strive for excellence, always believe in yourself, NEVER I mean NEVER allow the negativity of people or your own negativity to affect you, always have a positive attitude, always be honest in your business activities and the floored gates of riches will be opened to you.
Once more I say thank you for reading this book.


For anyone who wants financial success good money management is important. This is an important secret of riches and wealth.
People who have jobs or business should try to pay themselves first when they receive their income. At least they should pay themselves 10 percent of their income; they should pay themselves before they pay their bills, or do anything with the money they receive.
Lets say they earn $500,000 a month, 10 percent will be:
$ 500,000 * 10/100 = $ 50,000

Realistically It might not be easy for many people to pay themselves 10 percent of their income, for some reasons. So it’s advisable that they start by paying themselves just 5 percent of their income. This money shouldn’t be touched, for any reason until it accumulates to an amount that they can invest.
This is vital because many people remain poor because they don’t pay themselves first, this people spend everything they earn in addition to loans they collect. When they are paid they start paying the debts they have accumulated, at the end they have very little to use for the month before their next pay. In a short time they finish the money they have and start collecting loans again; it now becomes a never ending cycle.

To break this cycle one must pay him or herself  first. In the classic book Richest Man In Babylon written by George .s. Clason says this:
            “The cure for cure for a lean purse ....   For every ten coins thou placset within thy purse take out for use only nine. Thy purse will start to fatten at once and its increasing weight will feel good in the hand and bring satisfaction to thy soul”.

This is very true! If one earns $10 a day. One should pay himself $1 before he spends the rest. This one dollar should be paid into a savings account every day. As the days multiply the account balance will fatten. If someone does this for 30 days, one will have $ 30, for 365 days (1 year) will be $ 365.
Saving is the first step, one will need to invest this money wisely so that it can multiply and continue to multiply. 

Finally anybody who uses this principle of saving and investing in addition with the other principles I have just discussed about is sure to succeed in life.
To use this principle of saving and investing one must control his or her expenditure, than to delay immediate gratification. It takes self-discipline to save a percentage of what one makes on a monthly basis. It may be difficult but it must be done, this is one of the ways Warren Buffet the world’s richest investor became rich, if he did it so can you.

Thank you for reading this book to this point. It shows that you really want to succeed in life and I will be committed to making you succeed. Please join me in the general conclusion in the next page.


On your journey to success you will need encouragement, this should come from people around you but, sad to say many people would not encourage you, in fact they may try to discourage and pull you down. The only way to progress is to encourage yourself with positive words. This personal encouragement is what positive affirmation is.
Telling yourself regularly that you deserve success, that you like yourself, that you are unstoppable or you can succeed, will help you when everyone is discouraging you. It might be a minor detail but it is found that the people who kill dreams are family and friends, who use their inherent negativity to say things to you that, discourage you, even if this family and friends struggle financially, they will still come and tell you negative things so you can struggle financially like them and when you succeed it will be this same people who will come and ask you for a loan. For your own financial success don’t listen to them.

One of the secrets of wealth is to use positive affirmations, before you start any business tell yourself that you can do it, that you can succeed, that you are unstoppable.
Individuals who have become rich by hard work, always use positive affirmation on their mind, they are always encouraging to themselves. While the individuals who remain poor let the negativity of themselves and others to hold them back.

Another way to use positive affirmation is to take responsibility for your action. We all make choices and these choices have consequences that we may not like. Many will instead blame others for the mistake they themselves made; this causes them to be negative in their thinking. You may even find them blaming their dog, their car, their toothbrush, something or somebody else, for there problem
The only way to reverse this is for one to take responsibility for his or her actions. If one finds him or herself blaming anybody for mistakes or problems they should stop and tell themselves that they are responsible. When they tell themselves that they are responsible they become positive and start looking for solutions to the problems.
As Napoleon hill said “No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he looks in the mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes”.
Pay close attention to your thoughts and the often silent words you use on yourself. It may take you some time to stop talking to yourself negatively and resisting the negativity of people around you, but it is worth the effort.
Never say you can’t do anything always say you can. Don’t ever listen to anybody who tells you that you can’t. Believe in your own faith and not in the negativity of people. Always tell yourself that  “i can do it”.


Education is an important part of becoming rich. While lack of education is an important part of remaining poor. I’m not talking about the kind of education people get in the university. The education people get in the university may or may not be useful in the accumulation of wealth. In fact many studies have shown that 80 percent of what is thought in the university is not useful in the real world.
The kind of education I talk about is specialized education that is specific to a particular objective. For example let’s say one wants to be a salesman for a particular company, specialize education will include books, audio CD’s and DVD’s on selling. If one wants to be a public speaker, read books of other successful public speakers.
There is nothing new under the sun, there are always people who been successful in a business you want to do. In whatever field of business of life you choose study the experts and do what they do and you will be successful.
If you educate yourself from the knowledge of other successful people you will also become successful. The education is the cause and the effect is the riches and wealth you get.
The book Rich Dad’s Guide To Investing written by Robert .T. Kiyosaki explains it as the 3E’s
1.     Education
2.     Experience
3.     Excessive Cash
If your objective for reading this book is to be rich and wealthy you have to be an ardent student for life, always reading and applying what you read.
Many who graduate from the university make the mistake of refusing to read again, this now makes them obsolete in the financial world. If you find any rich individual you will see that he or she has a very big library stocked with wealth creation books. This book helps the rich individual to remain rich and to grow richer.
While the poor are too lazy mentally to read and they remain ignorant and poor. Ignorance is another key to poverty, but the right education  is vital to accumulating riches and wealth.
So start now to start accumulating a big library of wealth creation books, attend wealth creation seminars, buy audio CD’s, DVD’s, invest heavily in your education for life and reap the fruits of a financially free future.


GOALS are objectives or task that a person wants to achieve in a limited time period. Goals are short-term and long- term . Short-term goals are objectives a person wants to achieve in 6 months to 1 year or even five years. Long-term goals are objectives a person wants to achieve in the next 5 to 20 years.
In most of my books I always talk about the importance of goals because it is the way I and other successful people achieve things. Goals with time limits give power to the accomplishment of any objective it serve as a forcing mechanism or an inner drive to action. Goals give purpose to the accomplishment of anything.

So do you set goals? I thought you will never ask; to set goals you have to first determine what is it you want, than you must set a reasonable objective to accomplish what you want, if it is a big goal you wish to achieve you must have to break it down into small parts and set a time limit to accomplish these little goals. This is the most important part, resolve that you most pay the price to accomplish your goals, than start, don’t wait for anything just start whether you are ready or not.
This what the book the power of “Self-Discipline No Excuses” written by Brian Tracy says about a powerful yet simple method of setting goals called the ten goal exercise.
Take out a clean sheet of paper. At the top of the paper write the word “GOALS” todays date. Than discipline yourself to write down ten goals that you like to accomplish in the next twelve months. Write down financial goals and fitness goals as well as goals for personal possessions like a house or a car.
Don’t worry for the moment how you are going to achieve these goals. Just write them down as quickly as you can. You can write as many as fifteen goals if you like, but this exercise requires that you write down a minimum of ten within three or five minutes”.

It’s very important goals are written down and placed where it can be seen regularly; any goal that is not written down and does not have a time limit is still a wish that may not be achieved.
I use the ten goal exercise regularly and it has helped me a lot to accomplish many things, like writing this book for you. I encourage you to do the same.
Do you know that people can go through the university without learning how to set goals?
Those who have achieved financial success are intensely goal oriented; they know how the power of goal setting affects their accomplishments. While everyone else doesn’t set goals and even if they do it’s never written down and it never has a time limit.
NOTE: I’m not saying that setting time limits for a goal and writing it on paper will insure that one must accomplish the goal. Its serve as a way to force the mind into action, Instead of procrastinating, one has to take action to achieve the goal.
Goal setting is an important secret of becoming rich and wealthy. Write goals on paper keep them in a place that you can see regularly, review them morning and evening, develop plans to achieve them and resolve to take actions to achieve the goals.


Before a house is built, a drawing of the house is made. Were the various dimensions of the house is shown. This drawing also known as the “blue print” of the house, it is the finished house in drawing before it is built; it is what the architect visualizes the house to be before it is built. 
Visualization is a secret to riches and wealth. Being able to visualize how one’s life will be in the nearest future, to project images of how one wants his or her life to be. Though no one can tell what will happen in the future exactly, one can still describe and project images with feeling or emotions of the life he or she wants to live. One must have a blue print or a dream of the kind of life he or she wants to live.
As Stephen Covey said “begin with the end in mind”

The ability to visualize is the most unique power humans have. The ability to see oneself as successful, confident and excellent and rich, but to also to feel, successful, confident, excellent and rich.

To visualize you will have to make out time from your busy schedule to have some personal time, preferably quiet place in the morning or in the evening or a time that suits you, close your eyes and start projecting images of the better you, the better life you will like to live. This is important because, the human mind has a way of controlling the outer environment of a person. In fact your outer world is a direct reflection of what is going on inside of you.

When one begins to visualize thoughts of success on a continuous basis this thoughts starts to make the individual to take action to make this dreams come through.
The rich and wealthy always have thought of riches and wealth in mind and this manifest In their life. While the poor always have thoughts of poverty in mind and that is why they remain poor.
You can only keep one thing in mind. So make sure the thought you keep are thoughts of riches, wealth and happiness. Constantly visualize yourself as rich, confident, wealthy, healthy and excellent.


THERE is a popular story about a wealthy man who had a big house, a big land and at the back of the land a big river. He was visited by a friend one day, this friend told him a story about diamonds, how beautiful they are, how precious and valuable. At the end of the story the wealthy man was discontent with what he had, he was not only discontent he was a poor man. All night long he did not sleep, he only thought about diamonds. To cut the long story short, this man sold all he had and went in search of diamonds, could not find any, exhausted his resources and finally committed suicide. While the person who bought his land went to the back of the land near the river and found uncut diamond and became rich accumulating wealth.
I read the story from the book Acres of Diamond by Russell .H. Conwell. The moral of the story is that the man took his eye from all he had and focused on what he did not have; thereby losing what he had, the man was not thankful for what he had.
Being thankful for what we have is very important because it helps us to appreciate more good things when they come.
People who struggle financially are expert complainers and ingrates about their life, they are ungrateful for the blessings they have and only complain about how miserable they think their life is. This adds more misery and negativity into their life.
While the rich and wealthy always have an intense feeling of gratitude for all they have and the life they live. This attracts more good things to them, which makes them to always have an abundance of everything.
To use this simple principle of wealth one must simply shift from complaining about the bad part of life to appreciating only the glorious side of life, the side that brings joy and happiness.
The other day I was watching the news and a guy was being interviewed, he was so busy gallantly complaining about how bad the government is, how they have being abandoned, how life is hard, how this and that, this and that is bad so on and so forth.  I could just see how the negativity was pouring from him. 

Personally I will avoid such people so that I don’t get infected by his negativity. But here was a guy who was healthy,(I guess nobody told him that there where people in hospital needing up to $20,000 just to be in good health this people will pay him $20,000 just in exchange for his health) he had two hands,( I guess his two hands is worth a small fortune to people without hands) he has his life and so many other valuable things that he doesn’t know about. But all he can see is that the government is bad and it has abandoned him in a bad condition. I felt like reaching into the Television to console him and after that to give him a dirty slap and shake him, to awaken him to all the good he has in his life.

The other day i saw a very sad scene, i saw a guy who had no legs, he had arms but his arms were too weak and limp, he could not even sit up, the only way he could move was rolling on the ground, i felt so bad for the guy and it made me realize even more that i had and every individual had  to be thankful for the life we have.

This what Andrew Carnegie in the book University of success by Og Mandino, says
      “About 90 percent of the things in our lives are right and about 10 percent are wrong. If we want to be happy, all we need to do is to concentrate on the 90 percent that are right and ignore the 10 percent that are wrong. If we want to be bitter and have stomach ulcers, all we have to do is to concentrate on the 10 percent that are wrong and ignore the 90 percent that are glorious”

True! We have so much to be thankful for, indeed much of our lives are good and only a small portion is not so perfect. Let us learn to be thankful for all that we have.


“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third invisible mind intangible force which may be likened to a third mind”

Napoleon Hill

It is amazing how humans are designed to reproduce, and at a very rapid speed. The human race is over 7 Billion and there is sign  that it will ever stop increasing. The propagation of the human race is the classic example of team work. It takes a man and a woman to give birth to a baby. It is not possible to give birth to a baby with only a man or just a woman.. humans are designed to function as teams. It is a basic law of nature. Even the human body has different parts that work together as a formidable team to keep it alive.

In the accumulation of wealth you have to tap into this basic law of nature team work.

Sometime ago I did an experiment, I was trying to light a bulb in a dark room, when I lite it the room brighten. So I thought to myself what will happen if I added more bulbs. So I added some more bulbs, the room became so bright that it would be difficult to stay inside the room without some dark eye glasses.
This is what happens when one works with a team of people, more is accomplished in a more creative way.
If you study the life of every successful person you will find that they succeed not by their own effort but by the effort of a team of like minded people who share the same dreams, ambitions and who work in state of harmony.

Long before Archimedes  man has used one form of leverage of the other. During the stone age man used fire. Fire was a very powerful leverage that could be used for many things, like cooking, to keep warm during winter and for war. Than came the Agrarian age, then man discovered animal power. Horses were used for long distance travel and for war. Bulls were used for farming. Then came the Medieval Age, gun powered and big boats became the new leverage. Then came the industrial age inventions like the airplane and car became very powerful leverages. In the technological age inventions like the television, radio trains and the telephone became leverages. Now in the information age the most powerful leverage is the internet.
But the most powerful leverage is the human mind, for it is by the use of the mind that all other discovery and inventions have been made. Everything around us testify to the power of the mind, from the cloths we wear, the computers we use, the houses we live in. In short everything made by man is a product of the mind.
“Brainpower is the ultimate leverage”
Donald Trump

Successful people have always harnessed the power of the mind of not only themselves but of other people. They do this by reading the books of other successful people and they also work with other successful people to create their own wealth.
The business world is a very competitive environment, but when you have a strong team working with you success comes faster and easier.
The car inventor Henry Ford was known to have a team of over 50 Engineers working with him. This was one of the main reasons why he was so successful.
I have never seen a strong business that is made up one individual.

“Business is a team sport”

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Working with a team of like minded individuals in a state of harmony, activates the ultimate law of success which is called the “Master Mind” Read  Chapter 10 of think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill for more information on this. Working with a master mind group is so powerful that the only person who can stop the ultimate law is God. Let me remind you of what happened in the bible (sorry I want go a little religions on you) if you have a bible please open it to Genesis 11: 1 to 6, if you notice what God said in verse 6 about the builders of the tower of babel, he said “there would be nothing they can’t achieve.
The human mind is the most powerful thing on this planet. The rich and wealthy know this that is why they work hard and work smart with other successful people and they create amazing need satisfying products and services.
There is a word of caution here; if you wish to succeed you must choose your team carefully, because a wrong choice of team members could be detrimental to your success.
When people go through school from primary, secondary and university. Teachers don’t encourage group effort, if a group of student’s team up to write an exam it’s called cheating and severe punishment is given to the students. This causes a subconscious problem that stop individuals from forming a successful alliance to achieve a definite purpose.
To be rich and successful one must work with a team of like minded individuals.


Ever seen people trying to break a wall, The other day I was watching some construction workers trying to bring down a wall, they were hitting the wall, the impact of  every hit broke a part of the wall, as they continued hitting the walls with their hummers, the wall finally came down.
Persistence is similar to trying to break a wall down, with each continuous action, each continuous effort, one is able to achieve anything he or she wants. Just like the construction workers were able to break the wall down just by hitting the wall continuously. But if the construction workers had stopped too soon they would not bring the wall down.
Many people remain poor in life because they give up too easily, when they experience difficulty in business, and if they turn to another business they will still experience difficulty. This people must understand that riches and wealth put up resistance to screen out the many unworthy and to reward the few worthy people. (This is why I think is the reason why only 10 percent of people in a country control 90 percent of the wealth and 90 percent of people in a country control only 10 percent of the wealth).
Persistence is the key to open the doors to success. Persistence is the money that buys success, Resilience to start a task or project and to finish it.


To achieve success and wealth price must be paid. This price is the hard work a person must do. This is a law of nature. Even the bible says that “ in the sweat of your face you must eat bread”.
Successful people have always had to put forth strenuous effort before they could succeed in life.
In this world there is nothing like a free lunch. There is nothing like easy success. Another major difference  between the unsuccessful and the unsuccessful is that, the rich are willing to pay the price needed to succeed and for as long as necessary. While the poor wish to be successful but are not willing to put in the effort needed to achieve wealth.
“the average person puts only 25 percent of his energy and ability into his work. The world takes of its hat to those who put in more than 50 percent of their capacity, and stands on its head for those few and farbetween souls who devote 100 percent
Andrew Carnegie

Sometimes some people may seem like overnight successes, but, If you find out you will see that this people are merely ripping the rewards of years of  hard work and diligence.
The common mantra of the very successful people is “No Pain, No gain”. this means that a person must be willing to white knuckle his way to be successful.
There are millions of opportunities that can make a person very rich but to take advantage of this opportunities requires a great deal of hard work. If a person is willing to pay the price of hard work, more and more wealth creation opportunities will be opened.
George Bernard said “that the harder I work the more I live” and Ann landers said “opportunities are disguised  as hard work. So many people don’t recognize them”. when you work hard and rip the fruits of such hard work you  feel good about yourself, you feel happy and accomplished.

Action is the true key of success. one may dream about success, plan for success, set goals for success but if one does not take action to achieve the dreams, plans, goals all is of no value and worthless.

The secret to success is embodied in the great law of causality or cause and effect. The law formulated by an ancient Greek philosopher.  It says that for every effect there is a cause. This law explains basically all of life. And why some people are successful and rich and others are unsuccessful and poor.
The law of cause and effect says that whatever effect you want just find out the cause. If you want success  simply find out what other successful people have done and do the same thing. This is the greatest secret of success.
If a person wants to go to a city he or she has to simply follow the road that leads to that city and he will end up in the city. To be successful is like traveling from one city to another city, The city of poverty to the city of riches and wealth. The road that leads to the city of riches and wealth is the application of the law of causality or cause and effect, the application of the laws of success discussed in this book.

The way to wealth, if you desire it, is as plane as the way to market it depends chiefly on two words, industry and frugality. That is waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both.
Benjamin Franklin

The book “Eat That Frog” Writing By Brian Tracy is a must read for anyone who is serious about succeeding in life. In the book Tracy gives two rules that can help anyone progress faster in every work of life.
1. Start with the biggest, hardest and most important task first.
2. Develop the lifelong habit of tackling your major task the first thing in the mourning.

The biggest, hardest and most important task is the ugliest frog you need to eat. Work at it when you are still fresh and strong in the mourning. Reschedule or delegate other less important tasks to other people.
Going by the 80/20 rule the hardest and most important  task and most productive is the 20 percent of activities that give you 80 percent of your results. Many people are not very productive in life because they don’t work on their most important and most difficult task first, instead they push it aside and focus on the less important task first. In sense they follow the 20/ 80 rule, they focus on the 80 percent of unimportant activities that only give them 20 percent of their results.

For example as an author, my 20 percent of activities that give 80 percent of my results is, thinking, writing, typing, editing, and mass producing. The other 80 percent of activities that give little or no result will be chatting with friends, surf the internet, play, watch TV, chase women (not that I chase women). I am not advocating a life of all work no play. What I am trying to say is that the most important work must be done first.
“Success is not something  that you just run into by accident. It takes a lot of preparation and character. Everyone likes to win, but  many people are not willing to put in the effort and time to prepare to win. It takes sacrifice and self-discipline. There is no substitute for hard work”.
Shiv Khera

Hard work is the price one has to pay to achieve success and wealth. I have said before and I will say it again, there is no “quick fix” to achieving success and wealth without hard work.
Many overweight people will like lose the weight, to have a slim attractive body. But, when you tell them about the exercise  they will have to do to burn the fat, they will refuse to do the exercise, and will prefer some magic tea or super fat burning tablet that they can take, than sit on their couch and then just lose weight overnight while they continue their sedentary lifestyle. And many companies prey on this by making products they claim will be a quick fix to the problem of being overweight to exploit such people.

The way to success and wealth has been revealed to you, the price has been shown. You have to resolve to pay this price, in terms of the needed hard work required to be successful. The roots of this hard work may be bitter but the fruits are sweet.
With hard work one must also add persistence this is the six law of success. This will be discussed in the next chapter.

“A little effort is the best replacement for excuses”
Donald Trump

The price of success is hard work

More than hard work of just yourself, working hard with others is another powerful form of leverage. Just like thinking with other people.

In this life the mantra of the highly successful is “No pain, No gain”.

Most opportunities to make one rich are always hidden inside a need of people. But produced by hard wok.
 The secret of success is to follow the law of causality. Simply do what other honest and diligent successful people have done to succeed and you will too.

When you work always focus on your most difficult task.

There is no quick fix to success without hard work. Even God had to work hard for Six creative days before he created everything on earth.

Resolve to pay the full price of hard work to achieve success and wealth.

There is no substitute for hard work, no short cut to riches and wealth without hard work period.



Fear begins to melt when you take action towards a goal you really want.

There are two inborn killers of great achievements, they are- fear and doubt.
We are all born with amnesia; every new born baby can’t remember anything about what happened in the womb. But the only thing that every baby came with is the two natural fears of falling and loud noise. This two fears are healthy and essential for our survival, while every other fear is unnatural, unhealthy and learnt artificially.

To master every artificially learnt fear is another principle of riches and wealth. People who have accomplish amazing things have had to master there fears. It’s not that this people had no fears, but they mastered their fears to achieve success.

 I will list and explain some of these fears.

i.                    Fear of the unknown
ii.                  Fear of failure
iii.                Fear of rejection
iv.               Fear of loss of money
v.                 Fear of death
vi.               Fear of old age  

Fear of the unknown is very insidious and subtle, it causes under achievement. No matter how human’s try they can’t tell what will happen in the future. Humans can’t tell what joys and sorrows life bring, they just don’t know. As the song goes “No one knows tomorrow”. This brings fear to many people making them play life safe not wanting to take any risk because they don’t know what will happen if they do. This is the fear of the unknown.
(Personally I think that the fear of the unknown is a good thing because I believe that my billion dollars will come from people I don’t known, and so will yours)

I also think that life and risk go together; almost every part of life has risk. Even people who fear taking financial risk and who remain poor have the risk of not being able to take care of themselves and to struggle through life

This is another fear that stops people from achieving riches and wealth. Every successful person has had to master this fear. This people know that the way we learn or accomplish anything is by failing a few times before we gain mastery.
I have never seen a skilled painted come out of the womb with a paint brush and a beautiful work of art in hand. Or a skilled doctor, come out at birth performing live saving surgery. They all have to train make a few mistakes, before they become successful. This is natural.
Poor people fear failure so much that they fail in life in the process. Forgetting that to fail is the way we learn, as Robert allen said “there is no failure only feed back”.
Christopher Columbus fail to find a rout to the indices but found America. Abraham Lincoln failed so many times before he became president, Thomas Edison I talk about earlier failed 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb. Dr Alexander Graham Bell fails to find a means to invent a hearing aid for his wife but invented the long distance telephone. The list will go on and on. But one thing that is common to all successful people is that, they did not find it easy to achieve anything, but despite this they did succeed.
I have to admit that failing is a painful experience and as I said humans run from pain and embrace pleasure. Since failing brings pain, it also brings fear which many people run away from. This makes them to accept poverty and mediocrity, instead of riches and wealth.
To master fear one must know that, the only way to accomplish anything to the level of excellence one must fail first.

This is an acquired fear that plaque many people. This fear was acquired from an early age. When babies are born they are the adorable kings and queens of the house and they rule their kingdom with an iron little fist. All their needs and wants are attended to by their parents, and if they don't get what they  want all hell breaks loss by crying their lungs out. As time goes on the babies come to expect that whatever they ask for they will get by crying. When the child gets to age 3- 5, things start to change. Every whim and cry is not cared for as it used to be. The babies stop being in control, the parents use rejections to put the baby in its place, just to make the baby behave. After 3 to 5 years of the baby being the boss of the house, it is now forced to be the servant of the parents. To enforce the law on the little fellows the parents will use multiple rejections on the child, thus making the child to develop the fear of rejection.
Let’s fast forward to the future when the child becomes an adult and starts a business which requires that he or she sells products or services to customers and as you know some customers must reject the product or service, this awakens that old subconscious fear of rejection.

To master fear one must have to face the fear. Every one of the outstanding achievers on this planet who has accumulated riches has had to face his or her fear. In the book Road To Wealth written by Robert .G. Allen, says that the second secret to wealth is to “face your fears”.

Fear and doubt are two sides of the same coin, when one has fears, doubt must follow. This is a key reason why people choose a life of lack over a life of abundance. They doubt themselves, they doubt their abilities and they believe that other successful people are better than them and they themselves are worthless.
To succeed in life one must root out any acquired FEAR and DOUBT.



“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand the suns rays does not burn until brought to a focus”

Alexander Graham Bell

What is the result if a person tries to catch two rabbits? The result will be losing both rabbits. It would be better if the person concentrates on one rabbit and does everything to catch it.

This is another principle of riches and wealth. This principle says that concentrating on one task until its complete is a sure way to success.
Successful people have always known that if one wishes to accomplish anything one must concentrate.

There are two very wild animals in the mind that make many people to struggle financial through life.
The first of this wild animals of the mind is lack of  clarity. Many people can’t seem to focus on a goal, because they lack clarity on what they want to do or where they want to go. Lack of clarity is like a wild animal in the mind of such people. This people seem to move in different directions throughout their lives.
One unique characteristics of top performances is that they have clarity of what they want to do and where they want go in life. They have planned their lives, for the next 5, 10, 20 or 100 years.

To succeed one must be absolutely clear about what he or she wants to do and where he or she wants to go in life. Many people do make plans for their life but don’t bring their plans to life, because they are dragged in different directions by get rich quick scheme’s, get rich hot tips, that has lead to do undoing many people. Anyone trying use a get rich quick scheme is a person without clarity.

I knew a man once, he was very talented. He was an artist, a writer, a herbal practitioner, a political analyst and many other things he decided to dabble into. But with all this talents and gifts he kept on struggling financially. While his other less intelligent friends who were only focused on one thing where succeeding and progressing far better than him. I advised him to pick his most dominant talent and develop it to world class standard. But he refused.  He preferred to do, so many things at the same time. This made him to keep on running around like a mad man in the forest trying to catch every rabbit at the same time.
The truth is that the human mind hates to concentrate on one thing for a long time. When the mind is focused on one thing for a long time it gets bored and looks for something more interesting to do.
I will say it again the confusion in a persons mind is seen in the persons outward environment. Take time to visit two environments in your city. A rich high-class area and a poor low class area. The rich high-class are will always be orderly. The houses will most times be neat and clean, the streets will be decorated with beautiful trees and plants, the roads will be smooth, the air will be fresh,a place that makes you feel good, in short the area will be well organized.
The poor neighborhood will be disorganized, the streets will be littered with waste, the houses will be dilapidated, the cars will be dirty, you may even get robbed by criminals, the environment will be so appalling that you may want to vomit, the residents will be negative and cynical.
This are two groups of people living in two different neighborhoods, but they are still humans but as I said in the introduction of this book the rich and the poor have the same physical features. Same hands, legs, brain, and the same red blood moving through their body. Whats the difference between them? The answer is the “MIND”. the mind of the rich people are more focused, organized and orderly. While the mind of poor people are unfocused, disorganizes and disorderly.

Some people will say that many successful people have many businesses and they operate them all at the same time, like Billionaire Sir Richard Branson who has over 300 separate companies under the virgin aegis. Well it may be true that successful people have many businesses, but if you really find out, you will see that, this people started with only one business at a time. When it was successful they started another one and so on.

Trying to juggle some many things at once in the mind is the quality of failure.

There are few rich people and many poor people not because the rich have four heads, ten hands or gold in their blood stream but, it’s because the rich are able to concentrate and finish any objective, any task or project they start. While others are busy running around in a confused way not been able to concentrate.

Another name for the principle of concentration is FOCUS. The human brain is a beast that lacks focus, that refuses to concentrates on one task and finish it. When it starts one task it is pulled in different directions.

As I said in chapter one, self-discipline must be mixed with concentration to stop the mind from been constantly distracted. This constant mind distraction is seen when people listen in an audience to a speech. This people have short attention span, soon their mind starts thinking about irrelevant things and not the important or boring speech going on. With short attention span comes, short concentration on anything they do. Self-discipline is required to concentrate for such people if they wish to succeed.

The table I am writing on has only one purpose- for me to put things on it, for me to write on it, to put my computer on it or some other item. It is concentrated on that one form and it is a remarkable success. Even if you take it to the moon it will be a successful table, that’s its purpose.

When one concentrates exclusively on a task the person has a purpose. So many wonderful things happen when a person has a purpose. Every successful person has always had a purpose in life. Just observe the richest people on this earth: Bill Gates -the processing system my computer is using is evidence of his purpose, the musicians- the music you listen to show their purpose, actors- the movies show their purpose. This is why they are so rich.

The rays of the sun seems adequate to give light in the day, to help plants produce fruits and sustain life. But the sun rays  can burn, if it is focused through a magnifying glass or microscope. Just like the sun rays that can only burn when it is passed through a magnifying glass or microscope your actions can only make a significant difference when it is focus on ONE thing. To succeed in life one has to focus his or her effort on a single talent,gift, goal, project or task until it is complete.

To become rich and wealthy one must apply the principle of concentration. To become rich and wealthy one must focus.
To become rich and wealthy one must have a purpose in life.



I count him braver who conquers his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is the victory over self


The foundation of a house give it strength, it makes the house to stand stronger and longer. Self-discipline is the foundation that the house of your wealth stands on and which all the other principles of riches and wealth are built on.

Self-discipline is vital to becoming rich. Self-discipline means being able to have self-control in every aspect of life.
Many have various definitions of what riches and wealth is. Some say its happiness some say its financial success, some say it’s something else. But whatever anyone says, self-disciple is important.

As I said self-discipline is the foundation on which the other principles of riches and wealth stand. With self-discipline one cannot follow the principles of concentration which is the second principle of wealth, which is the ability to focus exclusively on a task till it is completed. Without 
Self-discipline one cannot overcome fears , fears that hold and restrain great achievements. With self-discipline one can work hard , work smart and gain wealth.

As George Washington said “Nothing is more harmful to the service than the neglect of discipline. For it is  discipline more than numbers that give one army superiority over another”.
In life two individuals or two families may live in the same street, the same building or they may even be next door neighbors. But this this two individuals or families can have two totally different financial status, one may struggle to make ends meet, while the other lives in financial prosperity. The difference between them is that one lacks self-discipline and the other has self-discipline. This self-discipline makes one person to be more financially superior to the other.
When self-discipline is applied in every area of life than great things are born.

Another important reason for self-discipline is because to achieve riches and wealth a measure of hard work is involved and as you know hard work involves pain and humans by nature run from pain and cling to pleasure. It requires self-discipline to bear the pain that brings riches and wealth. This pain is unavoidable.

I have examined the life of everyone who has ever achieved success and what I found is that each had to pay the price to succeed. This price was the pain they had to feel while putting effort to achieve their dreams. This is a totally normal part of life; to get anything a price must be paid.

When you look in to the face of a woman giving birth, the agony is sometimes unbearable. But after the ordeal, the result is a beautiful baby is born, which the woman comes to love and cherish.
This is nature’s message to everyone, and the message is that there is no such thing as something for nothing.

Every time you on your light bulb remember Thomas Edison who had to endure 10,000 attempts of painful experiments to invent the bulb. Edison had self-discipline to achieve.


There are many success principles that can make anyone successful. But in my experience, I have found that there are some success principles that are more effective that the others. This principles are what many of the wealthy individual used to transform their life. This principles are the cure for financial lack and a release from poverty.

This principles are for ambitious people who wish to be successful and be rich. This principles are for people who wish to rise above mediocrity and achieve greatness, this are the secret to wealth.

When I first read and started applying this principles of wealth and getting results, I was amazed at their unique simplicity and effectiveness within a few months and years  by applying this principles I have double and even tripled by income.
On the other hand when I see how many people struggle financially through life without knowing that riches and wealth are so near to them.
So I decided to help those who wish for riches and wealth but who don’t know how to acquire it.
To those who wish for riches and wealth, I want you to read and re-read this book until you fully understand this principles, so that you can live a life of riches and abundance.

Let’s begin.